Monday 1 December 2014

Week 12: It has come to this.

Hey everyone. This is my last week for UCOSP updates. I would like to thank all the mentors and those organizing UCOSP for giving me the opportunity to contribute to Freeseer as part of my course work. It has been a great experience and I will continue to keep Freeseer in my sights and hope to continue contributing in the future!

This week:

I learned how to format with restructured text.

I opened two new pull requests.
The first for the API development document. I edited and formatted the API development document I had been working on so that it could become part of the Freeseer development docs. The pull request can be found here.

The second for a developer document on how to get the Freeseer server running, and some more general points on Zeroconf protocol. Found here

Finally I closed my http error standardization pull request.
I still have an open pull request for broadcasting, but it should be complete after code reivew, and I will be sure to close it in the future.

Thanks for everything!